
Liquid Industrial By-Product / Waste Transportation, Treatment & Processing

Grand Rapids Waste Treatment & Processing

We are one of the few companies in Michigan operating a state-of-the-art treatment facility permitted to process both solid and liquid materials.

We are certified to process solid waste and by-product material under our Part 115 Solid Waste Disposal Area Operating License, and liquid waste and industrial by-product under our Centralized Waste Treatment License.

We meet our changing demands through continual improvement and employing various techniques including:

  • Chemical separation
  • Solidification
  • Stabilizing
  • Dewatering / hydrocarbon removal
  • Dissolved air flotation

As a responsible business professional, you want to minimize any liability to you and your organization. To help you find the best solutions for your next project, take advantage of our sampling and treatment studies. At Plummer’s Environmental Services, we offer analytical services on and off-site for your convenience.

By using our analytical services, you can work at your next job with confidence, knowing that you took the necessary precautions to safeguard both the environment and your reputation.

If you are interested in our waste treatment and processing services, contact our Plummer's Environmental Services at (616) 877-3930. Make Plummer's your number one choice for your next waste management project.