At Plummer’s Environmental Services, we always try to anticipate the needs of our clients.
We offer a wide selection of municipal services, which means you only have to work with one company to efficiently and properly manage all your environmental waste needs!
Additional municipal services:
- Confined Space Entry. We adhere to OSHA standards for all permit-required spaces.
- Vault Cleaning. We provide preventative maintenance and respond promptly to service calls.
- Lift Station Cleaning. Lift stations should be free of grease and debris on the bottom. If you begin to see caked grease on the walls or floats, it’s time to give us a call!
- Bypass Pumping. We can handle your sewer with any bypass pumping and tanker services.
- Easement Clearing
- Steaming services (i.e sewer lines, drains, hydrants)
- Locating services
If you would like to learn more information about any of our municipal waste management services, please feel free to call Plummer's Environmental Services at (616) 877-3930. At Plummer’s Environmental Services, we dedicate ourselves towards protecting the environment and West Michigan communities.